Can your Mobile Phone Replace your Laptops?
Can your Mobile Phone Replace your Laptops?

Can your Mobile Phone Replace your Laptops?

The invention of smartphones altered the paradigm of telecommunication and versatile mechanization. Today, its become a part of our daily lives. We even use it for regular mundane tasks, even conduct jobs and work duties through mobile phones. 

The modern mobile phones comes with a bigger size and faster experience. It’s like having a big laptop setup in your small pocket with excellent features. We can use our latest mobile phone devices as a laptop or a computer device. But, no wonder the modern mobile devices already cost like the laptops and some even more.

The impressively increasing rate of mobile phone usage has massively truncated computer usage. But can smartphones compete against laptops and computers to push them into obsolescence? 

Smartphones and laptops are two enriched types of technologies with their own sets of convenience. So in this article, let us take another toll on the common debate, “are smartphones enhanced enough to take over laptops?. 

Smartphones and their perks

The smartphone is a rapidly developing technology. Smartphones hold a dynamic and solid position among today’s leading world technology. So, one could easily envision smartphones replacing laptops in the coming days. 

The best perk of having a smartphone is its convenient travel size and compactness. Smartphones are just like a miniature version of a computer that you can easily slip into your pocket and carry around anywhere. 

Working from your smartphone is widely appreciated nowadays, especially during the ongoing pandemic. You can continue working on the mail or operate a major portion of your office work, even while you are away from your workstation. So, you can also protect your smartphones from any accidental damages by getting cell phone insurance from phone insurance providing companies.

Smartphones give you the luxury to multitask! You can formulate your grocery list while cooking or knitting a sweater. Well, there are endless possibilities. 

Smartphones can provide you rapid results when they have access to proper network connections and secure internet service. 

There are other few perks of smartphones that make them more convenient and attractive to the customers, such as – 

  • Extended battery life: smartphone stands to have a better retainment of battery power than laptops. It makes them more convenient to be used for a longer time. Unlike laptops, you can go on without the constant worry of looking for a power outlet to plug in the charger. The smartphones are getting powerful nowadays as different technologies are used to provide improved smartphone features, increased life span, powerful and for various multi-purpose use. 
  • Advance security system: developing technologies have increased the amount of posed threats against laptop and smartphone security. Android and IOS devices are well known for their inbuilt security system. It makes them more resilient in fending off viruses and other malware. On the other hand, laptop technology is yet to introduce a capable built-in firewall security system. 
  • Convenient to handle emergency work situations: if you have any work emergency while you are outside or in a position where you are unable to use your desktop or workstation, then you can use your smartphones to complete the needed task.  They are also light in weight and can fit in any ones pocket or purse. The mobile phone devices are designed in such a way that it can be taken everywhere. It has better portability when compare with the laptops.
  • Latest improved technologies: the rapidly growing popularity of smartphones has necessitated the app and web development of better smartphone technologies. Some latest technological improvements have enabled smartphones to work as computers or desktops.

Perks of having a Laptop

Smartphones have an endless list of perks. Although it is yet to surplus some of the unique and useful advantages that only a laptop can provide. Some such qualities are- 

  • The extensive list of programs and softwares: there are multiple programs and softwares released in the market daily. Only a handful of softwares can operate at perfect capacity on a smartphone. Complex software, such as specific business or data-specific programs, operate efficiently only when used on a computer or laptop. Laptops also have the advantage of playing high-resolution games and videos without any additional USB or HDMI connection installation. 
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  • Several usable input methods: If needed, you can write a report on work email on your smartphone or touch screen devices like tablets. Typing on the touch-screen for an extended period can be a nuisance. Computers and laptops provide the comfort of a large screen and proper keyboard to type in each word without the hassle of continuously staring at a tiny screen. 
  • Larger storage volume: A smartphone’s storage capacity can be of a maximum 128 GB. But you can extend your regular laptops and computer storage capacity of 500 GB to 1 TB. Advanced computer machines can have a storage capacity of up to several terabytes. This feature of laptops makes them more suitable for business-related work and extensive data storage. 
  • Operating Systems: The operating systems designed for the laptops and computers are well equipped with the latest features. They are designed to take the advantages of fast CPUs, large disk space, high RAM, high ROM and many more. They also use modern chipsets features that re not available in many of the mobile & tablet devices.
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  • Internet connectivity: The laptops and computers generally available with ethernet capability. The latest devices have both ethernet and wi-fi networking features. When it comes to connectivity the smartphones can also get connected to the data network and wi-fi, but the mobile comes at a premium and can be more expensive as compared to the standard broadband connection.

Laptops vs Smartphones: is one better than the other? 

While mobile technology continues to evolve, there might not be a future where these devices replace laptops entirely. 

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Despite the advantages of smartphones, full-sized computers still have plenty of software and hardware features that make them indispensable tools. Smartphones are not yet ready to replace PCs regarding functionality and business needs. It will be interesting to see if smartphone technology will eventually surpass laptops and computers.

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