Node.js 14: The Exciting Features You Need To Know
Node.js 14: The Exciting Features You Need To Know

Node.js 14: The Exciting Features You Need To Know

Node.js has been a popular run-time environment that works on the V8 engine and Javascript. If you have been a developer or in any way related to the IT and development domain then you know its popularity. The framework is the most popular and every year a new and updated version comes to add to its features and popularity. In fact, you can understand its popularity by the fact that most of the firms in the domain look to hire node js developers in their app and web development teams. 

Now, as it’s 2021 the new Node.js 14 has come replacing the old Node.js 13. The developer world was always excited about the new features and now it’s finally happening. The release that took place last month created a buzz about new updates like storing data through online requests, built-in diagnostics upgrade of V8, and much more.  As you might have got an idea from the title that this is our topic of focus here. So, if you have got an update about Node.js 14 or you got to know about it and are excited to know more than here we are. Read it till the end as you can find out here some of the exciting features that the new update has bought with it. 

Reports Get Stable 

Last year in Node.js 13 the framework added diagnostics reports as a feature that was unstable. Node.js 14 has made it a stable thing. The new feature would allow an on-demand report to help you access the data for the diagnosis of issues in development. Further, a new one less command-line feature makes it easier to allow using diagnostic reports in a production environment. 

Changes In Streams 

The new update has also brought changes to boost the consistency of the APIs (application programming) while removing the ambiguity across the parts of Node.js’s core. However, these SemVer major modifications are not expected to impact many apps. 


The new release also comes with WASI, which is Web Assembly System Interface. A web assembly is an approach providing the developer space to run code in various environments without much change. The new update has brought in WASI as an experimental approach in node.js 14. The code allows access to WASI to Operating System resources like socket and file systems. As a developer, you can have that room to experiment with the WASI in development. 

The Async Local Storage API

This is probably the most rated feature in the new update of the framework. Node.js 14 comes with an experimental AsyncLocalStorage API. This is used for making the asynchronous state inside promise chains and callbacks. Further, it enables data storage throughout the lifetime of an online request and is just like thread-local storage. The feature is expected to help apps reach constancy without exposing more internals. 

Upgrade To The V8 Engine 

The update has also bought changes in Google’s open-source high-performance JavaScript and WebAssembly engine V8. Version 8.1 has bought certain changes with it. This include:

  • The international date format with calendar and number system option. 
  • International display names with the different regions, languages. The display name has a translation. 
  • Logical operator nullish coalescing provides right-hand side operand in return in case left-hand side is null or not defined. 
  • The optional changing enables easy access to the property value located deep within a chain of connected things. This ends the requirement of validating expressly every reference in the chain. 

Experimental Module Warning Removed 

In node.js 13 the experimental module flag was removed. That means the EcmaScript Modules showed that the warning that the ESM module loader is experimental. In node.js 14 there would be no such warning requirement in spite of the fact that ESM is still experimental. The ESM applications in the update are also different. JSON modules /optional file extension that is the translation workflow support features would be available now. The present update gives the application a sustained model paving a way for universal JavaScript. The feature of the ESM application would be likely made stable in future updates. 

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New Compiler 

Just like for every prime release in this new release minimum toolchains are measured and increased where required. This comes with macOS binaries for being compiled on macOS 10.15 (Catalina) with Xcode 11 for assisting package notarization. The minimum GCC level on the Linux-based platforms stays at GCC 6, and the node.js 14 won’t work on End-of-Life Windows deployments. 

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How To Upgrade To Node.js 14

Well, if you are excited to use node.js 14 knowing its features then you don’t have to worry much. You can easily upgrade to node.js 14 by visiting the official website. Choose your operating system like Windows, Mac, Linux, etc, and install the package installer. Once installed run the program and follow the instructions. You would get the latest upgrade of the framework. For your ease here are the steps to follow for an upgrade (for Windows and Mac OS) that we have mentioned below:

  • Select the package as per OS say Windows or Mac
  • Run the installer once the download is done
  • The node.js wizard would come up follow the instructions as they appear
  • Give all the permissions and reach till the wizard show finish
  • Once finish the upgrade version would launch and you can use it

Following the above steps, you can easily make an update from node.js 13 to the node.js 14

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The release of the new version has opened the opportunity for the developers to experiment. The stability and efficacy of the new features and the node.js 14 would be under test for the next 5-6 months. You can find out here to hire a node js developer in India for the compatibility of the new update in the framework with the projects. The feedback would also be submitted about the update so that in the long run the improvement can happen. Thus, for now, the new update would be under tests and trials for its compatibility. 

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